Dishwashing, Cleaning, Laundry

Welcome! Contattaci

Dishwashing, Cleaning, Laundry

Exhaust Systems Smoke, oil residue, grease, and steam must be properly vented. No one, not your chefs, servers, nor especially your clientele wants these cooking by-products wafting about during their meal. Only with a proper Exhaust Systems can you prevent this. The health and safety of all those in your establishment must be a top priority not to mention the environmental damage an inefficient system would cause. For up-to-code ventilation, choose from a exhaust fans, exhaust hoods and ventless exhaust.

Le nostre categorie

Hose reel

Hose reel

Pre rinse unit

Pre rinse unit

Taps & Pre Rinse Sprays

Taps & Pre Rinse Sprays

Hand wash Basin

Hand wash Basin

Hand wasching units

Hand wasching units

Lavamani a parete collettivi con comando a ginocchio

Lavamani a parete collettivi con comando a ginocchio

Washing and sinks

Washing and sinks

Pre rinse unit foot operated pedals

Pre rinse unit foot operated pedals

Tavoli di cernita zona lavaggio

Tavoli di cernita zona lavaggio

Pre wash table

Pre wash table

Plong units pot sinks

Plong units pot sinks