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Slicers & Graters Electric meat slicers and cheese graters are essential items for your pizzeria, deli, or restaurant. Meat slicers allow you to easily portion and prepare luncheon meats and deli cheeses for sale in your supermarket, sandwich shop, or restaurant. Selection ranges from entry-level options for light use throughout the day to premium models for constant, heavy-duty applications, as well as those designed to cut frozen meats or heavy cheeses. Cheese graters are essential items for your pizzeria, deli, or restaurant.Bread Slicers Ideal for bakeries, specialty sandwich stores, hotels, diners, and cafes, a countertop bread slicer saves time nor will it take up much counter space in your kitchen. Slicing bread is easier than ever with this effective equipment that’s able to slice loaves of bread in a single motion. Any member of your staff can use your commercial bread slicer simply by loading bread in the designated opening and waiting for the machine to slice.Meat Slicers Keep your deli or sandwich shop stocked with freshly sliced meats and cheeses with these commercial meat slicers. With a variety of models designed for different levels of use, from entry level to premium, we have just the right meat slicer for a slow-paced restaurant or a bustling deli!Graters and Slicers Meat slicers are found in all walks of the catering industry from butchers to high-end restaurants, thanks to the versatility of sliced meat as an appetiser, topping or ingredient. These commercial food slicers use adjustable thickness control to create uniform slices of your favourite meat and vegetables without fail, saving time on food preparation and the added stress that comes with it. Alongside our commercial meat grinders is a collection of electric cheese graters for the high frequency grating of hard cheese such as parmesan for pasta dishes and pizza. Also applicable for the grating of bread, chocolate and nuts dependent on the model, a commercial cheese grater can be used to enhance a number of dishes whilst being equally viable for use in takeaways and high frequency catering. Our selection of slicers and graters are provided through respected catering brands including Caterlite, Buffalo, Ital and Santos.

Gravity slicing machines

Gravity slicing machines
Model Photo Dimensioni LxPxA in mmCapacityPrice € Product details
8920/RN Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity slicing machines Model : 8920/RN
315 x 471 x 324blade ø 220 mm292,00go the product »»»
8921/RN Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity slicing machines Model : 8921/RN
480 x 530 x 375blade ø 250 mm325,00go the product »»»
8922/RN Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity slicing machines Model : 8922/RN
480 x 550 x 430blade ø 300 mm495,00go the product »»»
PALLADIO300 Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity slicing machines Model : PALLADIO300
547 x 710 x 545blade ø 300 mm1775,00go the product »»»
PALLADIO330 Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity slicing machines Model : PALLADIO330
570 x 710 x 535blade ø 330 mm1859,00go the product »»»
PALLADIO350 Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity slicing machines Model : PALLADIO350
575 x 710 x 530blade ø 350 mm1892,00go the product »»»
FEB0009/SNT Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity slicing machines Model : FEB0009/SNT
547 x 710 x 545blade ø 300 mm1944,00go the product »»»
FEB0010/SNT Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity slicing machines Model : FEB0010/SNT
575 x 710 x 530blade ø 350 mm1957,00go the product »»»

Vertical slicing machines

Vertical slicing machines
Model Photo Dimensioni LxPxA in mmCapacityPrice € Product details
MIRRA250VERTC Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines Model : MIRRA250VERTC
535 x 570 x 410blade ø 250 mm578,00go the product »»»
MIRRA275VERTC Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines Model : MIRRA275VERTC
535 x 570 x 420blade ø 275 mm693,00go the product »»»
FEB0032 Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines Model : FEB0032
540 x 740 x 460blade ø 300 mm1089,00go the product »»»
MANTEGNA30BS Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines Model : MANTEGNA30BS
600 x 635 x 695Ø 300mm1651,00go the product »»»
FEB0018/SN Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines Model : FEB0018/SN
750 x 600 x 705Ø 330mm1781,00go the product »»»
MANTEGNA350BS Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines Model : MANTEGNA350BS
600 x 660 x 715Ø 350mm1833,00go the product »»»

Vertical slicing machines with meat container

Vertical slicing machines with meat container
Model Photo Dimensioni LxPxA in mmCapacityPrice € Product details
MIRRA300VCO Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines with meat container Model : MIRRA300VCO
540 x 740 x 460blade ø 300 mm1281,00go the product »»»
MANTEGNA30VCO Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines with meat container Model : MANTEGNA30VCO
652 x 635 x 520Ø 300mm1651,00go the product »»»
MANTEGNA33VCO Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines with meat container Model : MANTEGNA33VCO
652 x 645 x 520Ø 330mm1703,00go the product »»»
MANTEGNA35VCO Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines with meat container Model : MANTEGNA35VCO
652 x 660 x 520Ø 350mm1729,00go the product »»»
FEB0034 Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines with meat container Model : FEB0034
720 x 685 x 560Ø 330mm2139,00go the product »»»
FEB0035 Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Vertical slicing machines with meat container Model : FEB0035
720 x 685 x 560Ø 350mm2210,00go the product »»»

Gravity automatic slicing machines

Gravity automatic slicing machines
Model Photo Dimensioni LxPxA in mmCapacityPrice € Product details
PALLADIO30VVA Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity automatic slicing machines Model : PALLADIO30VVA
645 x 685 x 750blade ø 300 mm3224,00go the product »»»
PALLADIO35VVA Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity automatic slicing machines Model : PALLADIO35VVA
645 x 700 x 750blade ø 350 mm3322,00go the product »»»
PALLADIO350AM Visualizza Immagine Icon popup Gravity automatic slicing machines Model : PALLADIO350AM
660 x 700 x 750blade ø 350 mm3471,00go the product »»»